Do have stress and commit to things that don't serve you.
What if I told you you can achieve a successful and fulfilling life doing what you love? What if you could start right now?
Join me and many others who have stopped limiting themselves and have started 'doing'.
Here are 10 tips that inspired me and helped me find my life's purpose as a Remedial Massage Therapists and Business Health Leader.
Top Tip 1. Create a Vision Board

This is fun and easy to do and extremely powerful.
Most of us don't really know what we want until we go through this process of asking and seeing it.
Make the goals specific to what you really want. For example if you want to earn a certain amount of money then put that number down.
Use colourful post it notes or cut and glue pictures, what ever makes you look and motivate you to achieve what you have asked for.
Having realised your goals you will be a lot clearer and you will be open to opportunities that come your way.
Top Tip 2. Change your mindset.
Life happens and it's not always rosy. If you think positively (accept, forgive, breath, wait, find solutions) life has a way of working its self out in a calm way.
If we think negatively (why me/this always happens/the worlds at fault) then we tend to attract that energy. We also get angry or disappointed about things we can't change.
Imagine for example if we did not get upset about the weather. What if we dressed warmly and enjoyed winter foods, open fires and of course a winter massage. How much happier would we be?
Happy and calm will have you coping with the unknown and making much better decisions than if you are always looking at the negative. Taking responsibility is also the key here as blaming gets us no where.
Top Tip 3. Volunteer.
Change your life by giving back to your community. Volunteering also gains you important life skills and looks great on your CV.
You can arrange to do a day or commit to a regular arrangement.
This is especially great for those who feel unable to work else where with their current experience. Meeting other volunteers also may make other opportunities.
Top Tip 4. Study a Vocational or short course.

Learning is a great way to uncover your life passions and discover what you are good at with a course.
Short courses can be endless and fun to practical. They are also a great way to network and meet new people.
Wanting to do get a qualification although you work full time? Studying evenings is an option and when you find what you love to do the late nights and study are worth it.
Check out Council of Adult Education for an array of course or your local TAFE.
Council's and Libraries also have great public speakers and workshops to inspire you.
If you like short online courses that are reasonably price, Udemy has a lot of interesting topics.
Top Tip 5. Join 'Meet Up Groups' and 'Business Networking' events.
With so many meet up groups available and many networking groups there is so many opportunities to find your interests through meeting like minded people.
Business networking groups are great if you have an idea for a Start up. They tend to have business's that support you and get you on the road if that is your direction.
Top Tip 6. Find a Life Coach or Business Coach.
Life coaching is broad and diverse and is more geared at discovering your strengths and how to guide you towards your goals. It also helps you give up self limiting beliefs by making you aware of what you are putting out to the world by behaviours and language.
Finding your purpose and working towards a job you love can be supported by a good coach.
It's important that you find a person who is a match-don't force a connection although do be willing to be open to what they are telling you.
Even if it's not exactly what you want to hear a coach has experience and success to get you out of your rut. Although only if you are wanting to make the change.
Top Tip 7. Write down a list and include your strengths and passions.

Get the butchers paper and coloured marker's and write down inspiring words, hobbies, strengths and passions that are unique to you.
Once you start writing you will be amazed at what you come up with.
Put this with your vision board to really inspire your day.
Top Tip 8. Read inspiring stories of other peoples journey's into their purpose.
I get so much inspiration from others. For every story you read you will get at least one tip to take away to add to your tool box of ideas.
Connecting with social media is also a great way to be inspired. Read blogs and even better you can challenge yourself to write your own.
Top Tip 9. Surround yourself with inspiring people and keep at arms length energy pullers.
Most long term successful people will inspire by sharing knowledge and supporting ideas and dreams. Most successful people will also tell you stories of success and overcoming obstacles.
If you have some pullers in your life that you can not avoid just be aware of the language and not take it on board as this can bring you down. Hopefully your success will motivate them to change there energy.
Awareness of where you are currently is the key here as our own self talk can fall between the two.
Top tip 10. Start now

A wise woman told me once that 'tomorrow never comes'.
This is your chance to change your life and be that person you have always wanted to be.
Start and you will be amazed at how easy it can be to find happiness.
Let me know how you go finding your purpose? I would love to hear from you.